Email Marketing Part 3:
5 Ways to Increase Your Email Subscribers

In this three-part series about email marketing we will be discussing reasons you should be doing it, tips to engage your audience and how to increase your email audience.

1. Add a Sign-up Form to Your Website

First and foremost, add a simple sign-up form to your website. Most email clients have the ability to easily integrate one into your website. Whether the form pops-up after a few seconds, or is static on your website, it’s a good customer touch point to increasing your list. Create a new subscriber list that is just for sign-ups on your website and send them a welcome email that makes them feel part of your community. Don’t have a website? Contact us!

2. Purchase or Create an Email List

Purchasing an email list can be expensive and unvetted, but it could be worth the attainment of one or two new customers. This can also backfire and leave a potential customer feeling a bit “put-off” especially if they never subscribed to your emails. Also, creating your own list is definitely cheaper, but it would require more of your time. Research potential businesses/customers and the appropriate contact, and add them to your list. This would ensure that the email is valid and may give you an opportunity for a connection if you call to verify a contact’s email address.

3. Create a “Crew”

Create a “crew” or “club” that people can subscribe to to receive special benefits such as discounts, first looks at new products, or VIP access. This creates a sense of community and incentives/discounts are great motivators. Instead of “subscribe to my email”, have them “join our crew to receive these benefits” – and make sure the benefits are worth it.

4. Go Where Your Customers Are

Join relevant LinkedIn or Facebook groups and tout your business. Link to your website in a natural way while genuinely participating in the conversation. This will encourage new customers to go to your site with the potential to sign-up to your list using your form. Email clients also offer landing pages that you could set up specifically for your social media efforts and could link to. Whether it’s for interest in a new product or service or a free-ebook, these landing pages can separate out your potential customer’s interests and give you better insight into what they are most interested in and then email them specifically about it.

5. Referral Drives

Referrals are a great way to gain new customers. Have a referral drive with your current subscribers where they receive entry into a raffle for every email they send to you. Or have a fun raffle on social media where they need to mention a friend and subscribe to your list in order to be entered. Make the raffle relevant to your customers and fun. As long as you are increasing followers and traffic to your website, there is an opportunity for new customers to subscribe. Make it a fun, easy way, and they will surely do it.

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