Email Marketing Part 1:
5 Reasons You Should be Doing It

In this three-part series about email marketing we will be discussing reasons you should be doing it, tips to engage your audience and how to increase your email audience.

1. It’s an Affordable Option

If you have less than 2k email addresses, you could be sending out emails for free! Yes, for free. Why not utilize a marketing platform built to engage your audience with the only expense being your time? If you have more than 2k emails, there are still affordable ways to utilize the various email platforms to your benefit.

2. It Can be Used to Track Leads

Email platforms can be used to track leads for different audiences. Organize your subscribers by audience and start building your lists. This way you can target subscribers by what they are interested in. For example, you may have a list for all of the people who contact you through your website, a list from people who signed up for your raffle at your vendor booth, or maybe you created a LinkedIn ad for people interested in your webinar. You can have different lists for different audiences and market to their interests.

3. It’s Very User-Friendly

“Back in the day” you had to code your emails in order to add colors, images and buttons. The email platforms available now have made it simple to add buttons, images, change colors, and link to your website. Most of these platforms provide free templates that are easily integrated with your business branding.

4. Perfect for Tracking User Activity

One of the greatest tools of email marketing is seeing how your audience interacts with your emails. Do they open it? Which buttons do they click on? Did they view your website or go to your social media? All of these interactions and more are given to you in a handy activity report which will help drive your marketing efforts.

5. It’s Personal

Email marketing can be personalized and sent directly to your audience using their name. This can create a personal interaction between your business and your end user. Also, customizing your email subject line, branding, and message so that you are speaking directly to your customer can get lost when you publish say an ad on Instagram. When you tailor emails to each audience, you can speak directly to them about the things they are most interested in.

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